4th year of Aggranda

Published on in Robotic Process Automation by Cristian Ignat

In March we celebrated our 4th year of Aggranda. 2021 was an incredible year for us. In just a few words, our revenues grew with 120% YoY, our team has doubled in size and we are now having clients from the USA, France, Germany, Austria, Portugal, the UK, Singapore, Romania.

Here are some of the highlights from the last year.

Invested in Education

We continued to educate the RPA market. Our team wrote 20 rpa articles on our blog. We wrote technical articles but also business articles to help companies to choose the right processes to automate.

We have 84 applicants to our RPA internship from the following countries: Italy, India, Egypt, USA, Romania, South Africa, Argentina, Nigeria, Portugal, Canada. During the internship we shared our knowhow and speed up the learning process for the interns.

Helping hospitals

We launched a campaign to help 3 hospitals anywhere in the world with their automation challenges using the UiPath products.

100,000 hours saved with UiPath

We’ve saved our clients from doing over 100,000 hours of manual work. And we celebrated this with some great ads in Times Square. The number of hours saved grew significantly by then.

Saving 10,000 hours / year for a single client

We have a new UiPath case study that shows how we are saving over 10,000 hours / year for Provident:

We are very proud that this case study was mentioned on the official UiPath website.

First round of investment

I’m extremely happy that we closed Aggranda’s first round of investment last September. The best part is that every single investor contributes with more than money: their time, their know-how, network of connections, creativity and many more.

Beside this, Vikas Jain joined Aggranda as our Technical Advisor. We rely with his huge experience from UiPath and we are very happy to have him close.

UiPath Forward IV

We were present at the UiPath Forward IV in Las Vegas, the largest RPA event in the world. At some point, someone from Amazon came to us after he noticed Aggranda’s logo on our badges. He told us that he is amazed how well we are adversing ourselves. For a company as our size, having someone from Amazon to know about Aggranda means a lot. It gives us more confidence that we are going in the right direction.

We made new connections and friends from the RPA world at the event and I am sure that with some of them we will work.

Our Team

Our team got bigger and smarter. I think we have some pure geniuses in our team, and I’m not joking 🙂 We developed worked on large projects automating processes that helped our clients to have happier people in their teams.

We had an amazing team building where we had some great time that helps us working even better together.

Our clients

We increased the number of large enterprises that we work with. Among our new clients, we started to work with one of the largest Oil & Gas companies from Europe, one of the largest BPOs headquartered in the US and one of the Big 4. Beside that, we established very strong relationships with some partners in the USA and in the UK.

Aggranda is now a mature business delivering high class Digital Transformation projects for large enterprises from all over the world.

If you read until here, I recommend to stay in touch with us by following us on our LinkedIn page.